In a
TV commercial for a Audi A3 Sportback the voice over states "I live by Ghandi and Learn by google".
Now while I personally would rather live by Jesus, I do agree that my generation certainly learns by Google. If there is any piece of information that I am looking for, my first attempt to find the info I need is by Google.
And so, wanting to post about the Methodist Church of SA and it's newspaper (the New Dimension) I decided to try and do some research before I open my big mouth. Imagine my surprise at not being able to find one half decent website with some info I can use.
Let us list my searches quickly.
- Save one PDF document about the state of the 'New Dimension', I could find nothing about the New Dimension. No Website. No Email address or contact details. nada. zip. I did find a 2006 post by Digital Dion wanting to post cartoons in the New dimension. And that was still on page one of Google.
- The official MCSA website has buggerall relevant or new on it's site. It has no links to New Dimension.
Ok, So what is the bee in my bonnet about the MCSA and New Dimension?
MCSA first :
I am really worried about the state of my Church (the Methodist Church of SA). I am really worried about the fact that a lot of the 'good' white ministers are leaving, the church and or the ministry.
I am really worried about the leadership of my church. I am worried about the fact that the top structure seems to be getting heavier. And that the church seems to be forever looking for new ways to fund this heavy top structure.
I am worried about the strugles for power and the corruption within my church. What ??? Corruption ?? In the Church ??? Please don't insult me by saying that there is no corruption in the church. We all know it is there. Ministers who supposedly don't get stipends, but drive around in fancy German cars. Societies who can not pay their assesments , but whose ministers get R40 000 going away gifts.
I am worried about the fact that white student ministers get suspended or discontinued for trivial matters while black ministers who are not nearly of the same caliber get pushed through the system. In fact , I am worried about the training of our ministers.
And this is where I feel
The New Dimension should have come into play.
As a newspaper I feel that the Dimension should have been there to expose the corruption and power struggles. The Dimension should have been there to ask questions about training and ask questions as to why some very good ministers are leaving the church. But alas... "He who pays the piper , calls the tune."
Maybe mr, Stone (editor New Dimension) there is a reason why your reader numbers have fallen from 26000 to 11000. Maybe it is because people don't believe what you are telling them. Maybe it is because your reporting is so obviously biased.
And so , after this long rant , I am still worried about my church. And I wonder when the church is going to split. I wonder when the 'alternate Methodist church' will break away from the mainstream power and money hungry church.
If the alternate Methodist church breaks away , I will be among the first to approve. I suspect that most of the ministers will be white. Ministers who care for the people and who want to get the work done. I suspect that most of the members will be of all races. And please.... This is not a race thing. But it will separate those who are in the ministry because of the calling to care for the people from those who are in the ministry because of the calling of power and status and money.
Please pray for my church. And pray for the ministers who are trying desperately to do God's work in a structure that has long ago missed the true calling of church.