Saturday, July 19, 2008

McGuyver the Human , I mean cat.

I decided to post a picture of my cat on the cameraforum. This is a copy of the post that I made there.

Took the living room curtains and draped them over a pillow on my desk.
Then setup a 550 ex flash on a stand to camera right and pointed it up
at the ceiling.

went and fetched cat. put cat on pillow. stroke cat. leave cat and pick up camera.
put down camera and fetch cat from under livingroom couch.

cat on pillow. stroke cat. pick up camera while stroking cat. Fire of a
couple of out of focus photos so cat can get used to camera.

kneel to photograph cat. put down camera. Fetch cat from under master bedroom bed. Put cat on pillow. Stroke cat.

kneel to photograph cat. put down camera. fetch cat from under dining table. Put cat on pillow. Stroke cat.

kneel to photograph cat.

get of two photos of which one is out of focus.

leave cat to run away and give up.

So for all my trouble I have one pic of my cat. But the thing is , he is surely my cat. although Alet and Jaco are tolerated it is me that he is after. He gets into bed under the blankets and crawls in as close as he can to my body. And then he does not move.

and moans if I move him. all in all a very cute cat with bucket loads of character

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Spam emails

Recently I have been receiving about two spam emails a day trying to sell me something to enhance my manhood.

Every time the emails arrive with a different sender address and email title.

Both the name and title seem to be words selected at random.

So today I received one with a title called : promiscuous hymnist

And I just had to laugh.

But then I thought. Wouldn't this be a cool title for a blog. or website ?

The question however is : What would a promiscuous hymnist be ? Someone who write lots of different hymns ?

Or someone who writes the same hymn in different styles ?

I am not of the Hymn writing fraternity so I would leave this to someone who is.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My life at the moment..

I am not in a good place at the moment.

I am depressed and not in the mood to do anything. The problem is that this is not the state of mind for someone who works for themselves to be in.

and so everything in my life suffers.

My spiritual life suffers. My relationships with people suffers. My health suffers.

and I am not enjoying being me at the moment.

Pray that this will change. Pray that I will be able to lift my head an carry on.