For my wife and I our last real holiday was 8 years ago. That was also our honeymoon. Since then we have had the odd getaway weekend or so but never a nice long holiday.
Part of the problem was that we relocated every two years when her job had us move to a new congregation. Now because she was essentially employed by the same employer (the church) she had alway had annual leave due to her. For me on the other hand it was a different story. I had to quit my job and start a new one in a new town every time we moved.
Ok Ok , whoa now. Before you think it : I never resented, my wife , or the Church or God for the fact that we moved so frequently. I knew what we were getting into when she entered the ministry and that was, and is , fine by me.
Any way. On monday for the first time , we will be able to go on holiday . And God graciously supplied us a beach house to use for free. Knowing that my wife (and I) desperately need a holiday I prayed about it and God gave us the house through one of his faithful servants.
The problem is that I do not have money for food or petrol. nada, niks. I paid my last bill and paid over my tithe this morning and now there is nothing left in my account.
Apart from that we have a mountain of medical bills to pay. ( Our medical aid has reached it's limit for the year. It is not a very good fund to begin with!)
And so here is my confusion:
I really belive that god supplied us with this beach house and opportunity. But I have been seriously praying for just one more job , or something so I at least will have money to take my wife on holiday. Up to now I have had no answer, and I am slowly starting to despair.
Did I misunderstand God ? Was the beach house not from Him ? Must I phone the owner of the beach house and at least let him know in advance that we are not going anymore ?
I just don't know!! I know that God can supply my needs. In fact I have lots of story's to tell of where He has done that. I am trying so hard not to doubt, but man is it hard.
anyway .....

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