Two and a bit years ago I posted a blog about my new cat called Mishka.
Mishka grew up in university hostel environment and despite her owner's best efforts became a very paranoid little kitty , who would skrik and run at the slightest noise. Eventually her owner , Michelle, had no other option but to let her come and reside with us.
And so Mishka started her life with the Prinsloos. At first she was very scared and edgy , but as time progressed and the years moved on she relaxed and became more trusting and friendly.
Today she is a well adapted , friendly and very talkative cat. Whenever y

She loves milk , and would walk around the house , following your every move until you give in and pour some in her bowl. She has made great friends with our little dog, Zilla, and they would roll and play till both are tired.
Michelle, if you ever read this. Mishka is a very happy kitty and we love her a lot.
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