The Reason for them all being around is not quite so nice. They are here in Bloem for my (and their) grandmother's funeral.
In the winter of her life, at the age of 93, and after a seeing her change from a lively and energetic lady , to someone who was bed ridden and not always with it anymore, she passed away on Tuesday morning.
If I have to honest , I did not visit her as often as I should have while she was sick. If I had to make an excuse, it would be that I did not cope well with seeing her in such a sad state.
I thank God, for this remarkable lady, who gave her all to help Grandpa and to raise her three children. I feel honored to have known her, and special to know that she was family.
And so while the clouds roll in, the winds howl outside and the autumn leaves are blown around in the streets, I think about people in my life.
I think about my mother, and I am glad that her trials of looking after grandma are now over. And I hope that she will now be able to pick up her life and live it fully again.
I think about my Dad , and I realize how he , in his quiet way , supported and carried my mother in the last four years of Grandma and Grandpa' sickness and in their passing on.
I think about my wife, and I miss her. She is on a camp and will only be back tomorrow.
And I think about life, and I realize how blessed I am.
And I think.... : "Thank you Lord."
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