Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mishka 2

Two and a bit years ago I posted a blog about my new cat called Mishka.

Mishka grew up in university hostel environment and despite her owner's best efforts became a very paranoid little kitty , who would skrik and run at the slightest noise. Eventually her owner , Michelle, had no other option but to let her come and reside with us.

And so Mishka started her life with the Prinsloos. At first she was very scared and edgy , but as time progressed and the years moved on she relaxed and became more trusting and friendly.

Today she is a well adapted , friendly and very talkative cat. Whenever you talk to her or mention her name she will respond and miaauw back.

She loves milk , and would walk around the house , following your every move until you give in and pour some in her bowl. She has made great friends with our little dog, Zilla, and they would roll and play till both are tired.

Michelle, if you ever read this. Mishka is a very happy kitty and we love her a lot.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Church games.

Sometimes I stand amazed at the fact that there are still people who go to church.

I think that if they only knew of all the politics , backstabbing, bitching and general un Christ likeness that goes on in the leadership of a church , they would run like mad.

I look at my wife, who after many years of study and training, is a small step away from being ordained as a full minister in our denomination. I see how eager she is to serve our Lord. How passionate to help and counsel broken people. I see and hear how her congregation grows. How people who swore never to set feet in a church again, come back. This is what she is called to do.

And then I see the society stewards. The people who are supposed to support her. And help her. And lead the church. And look after the church's interests. And serve Christ through their stewardship of his church. I see them biting, and bitching, and fighting for power. I see them undermine her. I see them play their games. And it hurts.

I look at the circuit superintendent. And the district Bishop. People and leaders who are supposed to lead her, and the church. To show the way. People who are supposed to show us Christ's vision for our church. And I see how they do their utmost to discredit her. I hear how they slander her name behind her back.

I look at my wife , and I see her take the strain. I hear how she starts to wonder about joining a different denomination. I hear how she questions her understanding of God's will. (not her calling though).

And I think: God, is this your people ? Is this how it is supposed to be ? Lord ?

What is my congregation doing to serve you, Lord ? Do they even know you exist ? Are they serving you?..... or themselves ?

Jesus, how can you stand this? Does it not kill you when you look at this church ?

I look at my church, and I look at the damage it is doing to my wife, and I want to weep.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


As I sit behind my Pc , I listen to my nephews shouting at the TV while they watch the Sharks , Bulls rugby match. My whole house is full of people. Not that I mind. In fact it is nice to have some voices and people around.

The Reason for them all being around is not quite so nice. They are here in Bloem for my (and their) grandmother's funeral.
In the winter of her life, at the age of 93, and after a seeing her change from a lively and energetic lady , to someone who was bed ridden and not always with it anymore, she passed away on Tuesday morning.

If I have to honest , I did not visit her as often as I should have while she was sick. If I had to make an excuse, it would be that I did not cope well with seeing her in such a sad state.

I thank God, for this remarkable lady, who gave her all to help Grandpa and to raise her three children. I feel honored to have known her, and special to know that she was family.

And so while the clouds roll in, the winds howl outside and the autumn leaves are blown around in the streets, I think about people in my life.

I think about my mother, and I am glad that her trials of looking after grandma are now over. And I hope that she will now be able to pick up her life and live it fully again.

I think about my Dad , and I realize how he , in his quiet way , supported and carried my mother in the last four years of Grandma and Grandpa' sickness and in their passing on.

I think about my wife, and I miss her. She is on a camp and will only be back tomorrow.

And I think about life, and I realize how blessed I am.

And I think.... : "Thank you Lord."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My third Blog

This is my third Blog. The other two are both related to my business and I decided that I need a blog where I can sometimes moan and bitch , or sometimes just write what is in my head , without having to worry about how it affects my business image.

So , here you have my latest blog.

I guess a bit about myself is in order. I am married to Alet, a methodist minister in the Methodist church of S.A. In South African culture the (normally) female partner of a minister is called "Mev. Dominee" or in English Mrs. Reverend. Seeing as my wife is the reverend I guess that makes me Mev. Dominee.

And so the name for my new blog was born.

And so , hang on , check back once in a while , and let's see where this one takes us.