Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have never been very fond of hospitals.

And right now I find myself sitting in one, waiting for my wife to return from an op that they need to do on her.

I brought my laptop along as I knew that I will have to sit here and wait for her to come back from the op and I knew that it will give me something to do.

I must be honest. I do not like it one bit. Having to sit here and wait. Waiting....
Having to trust that the doctors will not screw up. Waiting ....

Hoping that the doctors will be able to sort out what is wrong with her.

Have I said that I do not like doctors ? I think most of them are only in it for the money.

And so I sit here and I wait.

And while I wait I realize how much I love my wife. And I realise how lonely and pathetic my life would have been without her. And I pray that she will be safe. I can not begin to think of my life without her.

I thank God for being blessed with the most incredible girl in my life.

Lief jou meisiekind.


Monday, August 20, 2007

This weekend

Ok, I know that the order for these two posts are the wrong way around.

I have been to Dewetsdorp over the weekend to take some photos of th 2007 Osram Rally.

you can view some of the photos on my website here.



My best friend and his wife went in to hospital today. And so at 14:35 little Elandi was born by C-section.

And so I want to thank God for the new little life that He has blessed us with.

And I pray for her parents that they will continue to be the wonderful people that they are. I pray that they will have the knowledge, grace, love and patience to raise this little girl in the image of themselves but ultimately the image of God.

I pray for her safety. I pray that she will be a blessing to her parents and all that meet her. I pray that our heavenly Father will bless her.

And I pray for all the little children who do not have such loving parents.

Elandi , little girl, ,may you grow to be strong. May you grow to be proud. May you grow to be a shining light in the image of your Heavenly Father. May God bless you and keep you. May He makes his face to shine upon you and give you peace.


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just curious

Is anybody actually reading this blog ???

Feels like I am farting in the wind.

Which begs a question : If a fart rings out in the forrest and there is no one to hear it , Is it still fart ?

Does it still smell ?


At least one has spoken up

Protest March to Deliver Zimbabwe Human Rights Petition to President Mbeki

SA church shelters Zimbabweans

For the past few days I have heard a familiar name pop up in the local media. Bishop Paul Verryn has been making waves with his sheltering of Zimbabwean refugees.

Now I am personally not a great fan of Bishop Verryn, although I have not had the honor of meeting him personally and my opinion is based on hearsay.

But what gladdens my heart about this man is the fact that he is willing to speak up against the silence of the SA government when it comes to. Mugabe and Zimbabwe.

Now I do not want to discuss bishop Verryn. Or what he is doing.

What I do want to discuss is the silence of our Methodist Presiding Bishop and the other high profile Methodist leaders. As chair of the church leaders forum and as far as I know chair of the SACC (SA Council of Churches) Bishop Ivan Abrahams is in a very good position to speak up against the atrocities in Zimbabwe.

Why is our Methodist leadership so quiet? And if we query them about it we are told that the media is not interested in what the church says. I Think Paul Verryn proved that to be wrong.

Maybe the Presiding Bishops office are not screaming loud enough.
Maybe they are scared of rocking the boat.

Thank you Bishop Verryn for going over the Presiding Bishop's head and making your voice heard. May God bless you in the work that you do.