Friday, June 15, 2007

Nothing and Everything

I am busy reading a book called 'The Ragamuffin Gospel' and this together with some other happenings and readings made me realize something over the past few days. Now bear with me please and read through the whole post, because if you quit halfway you are going to miss my point. OK ?

Here goes...

I realized that to God I am absolutely nothing. Nothing I say , nothing I do, Nothing I ever did , means anything to Him. This God whom I serve is all powerful, all mighty, and just freaking awesome. He is greater than any thought I or the greatest theologian ever had of Him. He created the world , the galaxy , the known universe (we don't know it all , I promise you) just by saying the words. He measures the universe in the palm of His hand.

And if I were to stand before this amazingly awesome God , I would be nothing more than a mere speck of dust. Nothing I say or do makes a difference to Him. I can do nothing for Him in order to bribe Him or make Him like me. Like the lowliest of slaves before the mightiest of Kings I have no clout or stature before Him.


I also realized that I am everything to Him. He loves me. He thinks me important enough to love me. HE thinks me important enough to take an interest in my life. In fact , He thought me important enough , and He loves me enough to allow His Son , Jesus Christ , to die for my sins.

He created me and he knows me better than I know myself. He knows me with all my flaws and mistakes. He knows my human fraylty and imperfection. He knows it all. And still He loves me. How liberating to know that I can stop wearing masks in front of God.

How much better the world would be if we all treated each other with that same loving grace as He treats us.

1 comment:

bugs said...

like Mrs Bubb said: "i am nothing before Him, but i am everything to Him!"